We are dedicated to serving NURSE & HOSPITAL AT HOME structures

Healthcare professions working in Home Nursing Services (Services de Soins Infirmiers à Domicile, or SSIAD in French) and Hospital at Home (Hôpital à Domicile, or HAD in French) services need effective solutions.
The Welcoop Cooperative and its subsidiaries support these structures in their patient management, resulting in better treatment. Thanks to high tech solutions and quality products validated by our network, they are more efficient and offer better patient care.
Tailored solutions for Nurse and Hospital at Home Structures
Dicsit Informatique can meet all home healthcare professional needs for management of Home Nursing and Hospital at Home Services; information and coordination centers for the elderly (Centres Locaux d’information et coordination gerontologique, or CLIC in French) and Alzheimer support teams (Equipe Specialisée Alzheimer, or ESA in French). Our solutions are interoperable, integrated and compatible with Shared Medical Files (dossier medical partagé, or DMP in French).
- AntHADine.net for Hospital at Home services and MicroSOINS.net Home Nursing services, are dedicated to the structuring and coordination of home treatment for patients. These tools take into account the social, medico-social and medical environments of patients.
- Mobisoins is an indispensable treatment validation tool for mobile teams using tablets or smartphones at patients’ bedsides.
It’s another innovation from Dicsit in this sector, and is a real ally for home nursing services, independent nurses or general practitioners. It’s a way to unite the chain of medical and paramedical staff.
Patient Therapeutic Education (Éducation Thérapeutique du Patient, or ETP in French) is a new treatment approach for patients suffering from chronic conditions. Patient Therapeutic Education helps patients to learn to better manage their condition and remain healthy.

The eSanté Division of Pharmagest offers ETP Pilot, software to help better manage a Patient Therapeutic Program. ETP Pilot allows teams and workshops to be coordinated simply and efficiently for better patient treatment and improved productivity.
SMART HEALTH devices for the home
To monitor the safety of vulnerable people living at home, there are today artificial intelligence equipped solutions to support them. NoviaCare is a smart box which learns the routines of the person, in order to detect unusual situations and thus alert family members and healthcare professionals.
Tell me more about NoviacareThis system allows patients to live independently at home as long as possible. In your role as healthcare professional at the patient’s home, you contribute to treatment compliance.

Smart pill dispenser
Do-Pill, a smart pill dispenser is prepared by pharmacists. Treatment monitoring is secure and compliance improved. If the patient forgets to take their medication or there is an anomaly, the system contacts family, friends and/or the pharmacist.
For nurses or doctors working at patients’ homes, these smart solutions make life easier and contribute to better health for vulnerable people at home.
Products APPROVED by healthcare professionals
Laboratoire Marque Verte has its products tested and approved by healthcare professionals, notably nurses and doctors. As a result of this professional approval, the quality and usefulness of products is assured.

The Abso product range for wound care, the Soludiab range for diabetics and Digit for medical measurement devices are just some of the most useful for daily home interventions by healthcare professionals.